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Why Should I Run?


Influence Your Student Union

The Representative Assembly is the student union's highest decision making body, meaning it's where the most important things are decided upon. Being in the RA gives you the chance to influence the student union's political stances and organisational priorities. You represent 6000+ students in shaping the future of the Social Sciences Student Union.


Gain a Valuable Experience

The Representative Assembly is an amazing opportunity to increase your employability. Where else can you gain valuable working experience with organisational and statutory development, regulatory experience and other formalities? Being in the RA makes you a master of these areas, and will allow you greater access into these fields in the future.

Skärmavbild 2018-09-11 kl. 13.28.30.png

All the
Social Perks

Spending a weekend sharing food, discussing fun topics, and drinking way too much coffee is definitely the best way of meeting new people!
On top of that we have the kickoff, the thank you sittning, and all the cool events (including the ball!) you get exclusive access to as an active member - what could be better?

Why Should I Run?

What Do I Actually Need to Do?

Read the Documents

Before the meeting, reading over the proposals and other documents will part of the preparation. These will be sent out 10 business days before the meeting takes place.

Attend the Meeting

Prepare Yourself

You can also attend preparatory meetings designed to help prepare you for the work, and the kick-off to get to know the other members. These meetings are optional but recommended.

As an RA delegate your main work load will occur one weekend- when we hold the RA meeting. This is where we discuss and vote on all the topics in the documents.


Fun! Nice to get to know new people and learnt a lot!

A good

way to learn how

official meetings work, and prepare ourselves for this kind of meeting in our work lives 

Great experience! I learned a lot and will definitely candidate again!

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