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Here you will find all the candidates for the

Representative Assembly.

In this list, they are sorted per department.

Once you know who to vote for, click on the button VOTE. You will be sent to another webpage where you will get to log in to verify your membership. Then chose upto 5 candidates that should recieve your vote.

The 31 candidates with the most votes will be the ordinary Representative Assembly members. Out of the candidates that don't become ordinary members, the 11 with the most votes become alternate members. Alternate members serve as ordinary members in case of absent ordinary members, starting with the one out of the alternates with the most votes.

Political Science

Political Science & Peace and Conflict Studies

Department of Human Geography

Alva Damberg

Alva Damberg

My name is Alva and I am the current president of PLUTO, the interdiciplinary section of Samhällsvetarkåren. I would like to join the RA in order to get more involved with the Student Union, and in order to represent the people in the interdiciplinary programs



Bachelor in Development Studies

Department of Human Geography

Hanqin Sang

Hanqin Sang

Hej! I am currently a second-year student who is studying a bachelor’s degree in development at Lund University. Thanks to those students who voted me, I was elected as a student representative of Human geography department start from the fall of 2018 luckily, and then get a chance to apply and gain more experience in the social student union. During the time, I am contributing my effort to Lund university, helping and supporting students (by joining those meeting which focus on listening and sharing the opinions), I am not only acquiring how to communicate with others better and precious working experiences of student union, but also get happiness and lots of friends, I am very happy while joining and giving aids to those interesting social student union events, and wish I can continue contribute and receiving joys in the future, thank you.



Bachelor of development

Department of Human Geography

Maria Acatrinei

Maria Acatrinei

Hej, allihopa! My name is Maria Acatrinei and I am a Development Studies student, currently enrolled in a Political Science course, which will represent my major.
Back in 2016, my perspectives of life and my future career became broader when I volunteered for the European Citizenship Programme Trimester camp in Belgium. The peak of this experience was represented by the day I had the chance to spend in the heart and the brain of the European Union, more precisely the European Parliament. After dicussion with the people who worked there and represented the citizens, I realised that I would love to do something similar in the future. Becoming a member of the Representative Assembly would mean a great opportunity for me to strengthen the skills I already have, to develop new one I never thought I have, but most importantly, to represent students, to be their ”voice”, to get involved in making their student lives eassier and why not better and also to do something for the society I live in.




Department of Human Geography

Maria Viladegut

Maria Viladegut

I would like to be involved in my Student Union to learn how RA works and gain a unique experience. I feel that having a voice in important decisions is very valuable and therefore this would be an amazing opportunity for it. Also, meeting new people in a new environment is always exciting!



Bachelor in Development Studies

Department of Human Geography

Pauline Wedepohl

Pauline Wedepohl

Hey, I am Pauline and I am in my second year of my bachelor programme in development studies. With the Representative Assembly being the highest decision making body at the social science union, I find it interesting to join the discussions about current issues and discuss solutions.
Personally, I have always been interested in sustainability issues and would love to push the sustainability vision of the university. Furthermore, as I am a person that is very much concerned about my surroundings and takes care of the people around me, I find it important to use the possibility of getting involved in order to find constructive solutions that benefit everyone. I would appreciate the chance to join the Representative Assembly and to be a part of a young, constructive committee.



Bachelor in Development Studies

Department of Human Geography

Samira Pfeiffer

Samira Pfeiffer

Hey, my name is Samira Pfeiffer and I am in my second year of my Bachelors in Development studies. As I am active as a student representative and a board member of PLUTO I expirienced how important and interesting it is to be involved in the student union. I see the opportunity to influence the future organization of the student union as well as to participate in major decisions that will effect our studies. Thus, I want to be part of the representative assembly to represent my own and others opinion. Moreover, joining the assembly will be of high value for me as it offers new expiriences and skills and is a chance to meet inspiring people. Overall, I would be happy to be part of it!



Bachelor in Development studies

Department of Human Geography

Sofia Clash

Sofia Clash

Hi! I'm Sofia and I am a second year bachelor student majoring in Human Geography within the Development studies program. I'm looking for ways to get more involved in student life at Lund and am hoping to meet some new people within the union. In high school, I was involved in several forms of student government and extra-curricular programs and I am looking for something similar to supplement my current activities. Should I be elected, I am looking forward to further exploring the importance of an active student union and advocating for the needs of the many students within the social science programs at Lund!



Development Studies

Department of Political Science

Bonnie Tallberg

Bonnie Tallberg

I think it is important for us students to be involved in student matters and help make the union a better place for everyone. After being a student representative for almost a year, I think I will be able to bring some concerns and ideas to adress, as well as always keeping the student's best first.



Bachelor in Development Studies, Major: Political Science.

Department of Political Science

Charlie Nilsson

Charlie Nilsson

My name is Charlie Nilsson and I'm currently studying economics as part of my third term of the Politices programe. I am also currently serving as vice president of my student association, LUPEF.

I wish to candidate for the Representative Assembly for the opportunity to take an active part in developing the Union and making it the very best it could be for all its members! Having been a member of the Representative Assembly last semester, as well as currently serving on the board of LUPEF, I believe my experience makes me able to offer valuable insight into the unions largest student association and the issues currently facing the union.

I hope to earn your trust as a student representative and that you will offer me the opportunity to help create a better student union for each and every one of us!




Department of Political Science

Ellen Edman

Ellen Edman

I want to be in the Representative Assembly because I want to influence the Union in ways that I and other students think are important. I think I could represent many students in the Union, since I am currently the chairperson of the study council at the department of Political Science. I have experience of board work and reading policy documents from my position as manager for educational matters in the programme association LUPEF during 2018/2019. I consider myself a great team player and I like cooperating with fellow students in making great things even better, just like the Social Sciences Student Union.



Peace- and Conflict studies in Lund

Department of Political Science

Karin Andersson

Karin Andersson

It is a student's right and the obligation of the faculty and university to provide resources that make the study environment sufficient for their students. During my two years studying political science and peace and conflict studies at the university, I have experienced both the advantages and disadvantages of the study places available. Therefore, if I were to be elected as a student representative, I would mainly focus on creating and further developing a healthy and pleasant study environment for the members of the union. This by expanding the current studying areas, by improving the ventilation and ensuring that the study areas are offering clean air and last but not least, by offering a pleasant illumination - all to facilitate for the students. During my time as secretary of Lund University's Political and Economic Association (LUPEF) I learned the basics of how a student-run association works and since I’m currently member of the Institutional Board, I monthly attend meetings with the Board of the Department of Political Science. If I would be honored to represent the students through RA, I’m convinced that the relationship to the department would be strengthened furtherer. So, if you, like me, would like to see the current studying areas expand with fresher air and better lighting – vote for me as representative assembly – and I promise you to do my best in fulfilling that wish.



Peace and conflict studies

Department of Political Science

Karl Gustavsson

Karl Gustavsson

I have been active in the student union since my first semester here in Lund but I've never been in the RA. I would love to have this opportunity to further influence and be a part of the student unions future



Political science

Department of Political Science

Linda Sebbas

Linda Sebbas

I believe that the student union is a very important part of the university, allowing students to influence their experience and availabilities at the institution. I wish to be part of the representative assembly both for the valuable learning experience, as well as for the purpose of being part of an important desicion making process, aiming to create best possible future for the social sciences union!



Development Studies (BIDS)

Department of Political Science

Lærke Salhauge-Rasmussen

Lærke Salhauge-Rasmussen

My name is Lærke and I am in my second year of the Bachelor in Development Studies. I have been working with educational matters and student rights within the Social Sciences Student Union as first ordinary member and later head of the Education Committee in Pluto. I have decided to candidate for the Representative Assembly because I wish to be more involved in the decision making processes in the Student Union, and I believe that my previous work within the student union as well as my interests in student rights will be of great benefit within this process.



Bachelor in Development Studies

Department of Political Science

Moa Andersson

Moa Andersson

My name is Moa and i read my second year at the bachelor programme in peace and conflictstudies. I wish to candidate for the RA because I have a big interest in what the union do and I think that it is very important that we continue develop and engage more students to become active in the union.

Currently, I'm a studentrepresentative in the steering group for my programme and in the equality group at the department of political science. I'm thereof kind of an active member in the union and I believe that I already have some insights in what the union actually is and what it is supposed to do. I also have a couple of ideas about what I think that the union should do in the future. For example I think that there should be more focus on how the union can connect and engage more students to become active members. I also think that the union should focus much more on environmental sustainability and press the departements, faculties and of course the head of the university to do so as well - because this thing going on in the world right know is so important and we have to do everything we can to flip the system asap(!).

Beside this short summary of why I candidate I also want to say that I'm a very social, positive and optimistic person that believe in hard work for a positive change and a better tomorrow, and I think this can be good qualities to have and bring on this two days when the RA meeting happens.



Peace and conflict studies

Department of Political Science

Oskar Kindberg

Oskar Kindberg

Hello! My name is Oskar and I hope to be one of your choices for the Representative Assembly!

I have been an active member of our student union since mid 2016 in a number of different roles. I started out as a member of the Representative Assembly (which I also was during HT18), got elected to be a board member, worked full time at the student union during the fiscal year of 2017/2018 as Vice president responsible for student welfare matters and at the moment I am a student representative in the board of the Faculty of Social Sciences as well as in the Steering group of the Masters program in Welfare Policies and Management.

I think that being a part of the representative assembly is one of the most rewarding and fun things to do in the student union. In the representative assembly I get the opportunity to voice the opinions of my peers as well as the possibility to develop the student union in the long term.

I believe that my broad and long experience in the student union is fruitful for the sake of continuity in the representative assembly. This experience also enables me to think about the issues raised in the RA in several different ways.

Today I am a masters student at the interdisciplinary [Political Science, Sociology and Social work] program called Welfare Policies and Management where me and my fellow students come from different international academical backgrounds to shine some light on the same questions, but from different angles. I enjoy working in that type of climate and I believe that one of the strengths of the representative assembly as well as our student union is that we come from diverse backgrounds. I hope that I can act as a motor for discussion and well thought decisions during our meeting in December.

I hope to get one of your votes in the election, if you have any questions about my stances in any of the issues handled by the representative assembly, do not hesitate to contact me!

Sincerely, Oskar Kindberg



M.Sc. Welfare Policies and Management

Department of Political Science

Shivani Tugwell

Shivani Tugwell

I am an active member of LUPEF, which is an organization under Samhällsvetarkåren. I am a part of the board, where I am responsible for the Social Committee. I want to candidate for the Representative Assembly to gain the opportunity to effect the decisions of Samhällsvetarkåren, and by the means that I have contribute to the development of kåren. I am passionate about Lunds student life and I want to do everything I can to make it as good as possible, which I believe is enabled by having an influence over the decisions that are made.



Politices Kandidatprogram

Department of Political Science

Sofia Flising

Sofia Flising

I wish to candidate to the Representative Assembly because I'm want to be invovled in the decisions regarding my own and my fellow students future in the Union and at Lund University. Currently sitting in the board of LUPEF, as the manager for coordinating lecturs and debates concerning politics, has gained me experience of board work as well as communication and collaboration skills. If I were to be elected to the Representative Assembly I would do my very best to represent the many diffirent interets of the many diffirent students who is part of this Union, with the goal and ambition to make it an even better one.



Politices bachelor program

Department of Political Science

Viktor Sundt

Viktor Sundt

I'm 21 years old, originally from Västerås and I really enjoy Annual Meetings (like the Representative Assembly) where decisions are made by the members of civil society organisations. From me you can expect active (!) participation in the RA, proper thought put into my assessment of the propositions put forth, and scrutinizing questions for the candidates to be (or not to be) elected at the meeting. In the Assembly, I intend to push for increased efforts for activating more union members, and for increased transparency and accessibility for less active members. In my spare time I enjoy singing, playing the piano and writing for Panorama (LUPEF:s bimonthly magazine).



Peace and Conflict Studies B

Department of Political Science

Zigne Edström

Zigne Edström

Hello everyone! My name is Zigne and I’m currently in the final semester of my Bachelor's in Political Science and Economics. The main reasons for my candidacy is my passion for student engagement and my belief in the importance of students taking the opportunity to have a positive impact on their education. As the former Vice President of one of Lund’s largest student associations, I have previous experience of meeting formalities. This includes writing motions and propositions, as well as reviewing policies and other documents. If you decide to give me your vote, I promise to dedicate time and effort to ensure the best possible outcome of the RA, with a focus on improving inclusion, equality, and student empowerment. Thank you for your time, and please don't hesitate to approach me if you have any questions or would like to share your thoughts!



Bachelor's in Political Science and Economics

Department of Psychology

Elisabeth Högman

Elisabeth Högman

After almost 5 years of experience as a student in Paradiset, I can safely say that I have gained valuable insight into the bigger and smaller questions of our academic environment. This insight is what motivates me to candidate, as I've seen a big gap between what students want, and what we actually get.
The psychologist program holds around 400 students, and is historically underrepresented in the RA. Before graduating in January, I want to contribute to the decisions that will shape the coming year, as both a psychology student, and as a moderately reasonable person.



Psychologist program

Department of Psychology

Erik Lundin

Erik Lundin

My name is Erik and I'm studying at the psychology program. Earlier I've studied philosophy (one thesis away from a bachelors degree) and medicine. I've also been a student representative in steering groups and department boards, both at the psychology program and at the faculty of medicine for a few years now.

I wish to be elected to the Representative Assembly in order to make my voice heard on the issues I've been working with the past few years. To influence the Student Unions stance in questions of pedagogical methods and compulsory elements of educations. But also in order to weigh in on our culture, political views and view of ourselves as students.

It is my firm belief that we students deserve respect, both from the teaching corps and from ourselves. I believe that we are adults who are capable of taking our responsibility when it comes to our studies and that we should be treated as such. If you believe this as well I would like you to consider giving me your vote.



Psychology Program

Department of Psychology

Hugo Härmark

Hugo Härmark

Since the beginning high school I've always been active in non-profit organization and the work that goes into it lies close to heart. I now study to become a psychologist and whilst the education and faculty in Lund are great, there's always room for improvement. I believe in the union's ability to influence our education and create an environment in which all students' needs are met and their academic potentials reached. This is why I wish to candidate for a seat in the RA.



Psychologist programme

Department of Psychology

Johanna Malmström

Johanna Malmström

Hi! My name is Johanna and I'm currently studying my third year of the psychology program. I think it's important to contribute to the student union in the way I can, especially because the psychology students are under represented in the Social Sciences Student Union. This is my third time candidating for the RA and it won't be the last. Questions I think are particularly important include equality, environment and inclusion within our union.




Department of Psychology

Jonatan Almfjord

Jonatan Almfjord


My name is Jonatan and I am a curious student living and studying here in Lund. I have previous experience at other parts of Lund University, including Malmö Academy of Music (MHM), Faculty of Engineering (LTH) and Centre for Languages and Literature (SOL). Since almost a year back I am studying freestanding courses in psychology, and I feel confident enough that I dare say I've found the right research area for me.

In my spare time I like to read non-fiction, skate, take walks, practice my cooking skills, play the guitar and look after my two budgies.

Although I am enjoying my time at the Faculty of Social Sciences, I also feel that there are a few things that I as a student miss out on - compared to students studying a program, that is. Hence, I wish to gain experience in different areas of the university, including both scientific research (I am currently helping a professor with a research study) and more of the, if you excuse the term, "bureaucratic stuff" as well. That's the reason I choose to candidate for the Representative Assembly.

I am a firm believer in that the university is a wonderful place where different ideas are discussed, tough questions are asked, and withheld beliefs are challenged. That's the beauty of the whole concept of a university, and I wish to do my part - however small - to contribute in that LU lives up to that.

Have a great day,

// Jonatan



psychology (freestanding courses)

Department of Psychology

Maja Straht

Maja Straht

My name is Maja and I am currently studying my fourth year at the Clinical Psychologist Programme. I was one of the Student Union's full-timers 17/18, working mainly with labour market questions and external communication. Since then, I have been in the RA twice and also been a student representative for two years, now currently the Chairperson of the Psychology Study Council. I want to continue develop the Student Union, and since I have a lot of insight and knowledge about the Student Union and its work, I believe I am a good RA candidate.



Psychologist Programme

Department of Psychology

Mandkhai Demberel

Mandkhai Demberel

I am a Master student in Psychology and would like to contribute to the work of Social Science's union in helping students to get the best out of the education in Lund University. I have previous leadership experience in organizing student events and meetings. I came from Mongolia also I lived and studies in countries such as Turkey, USA, Russia, UK and Kyrgyzstan.I believe my international background will be an excellent resource in fostering an international environment and understanding cultural differences in educational environment. I always look for opportunities to make a positive impact in people's life in society and I see that in Social student union. I am confident that together with other student representatives we can make a great contribution to students' experience in our university.




Department of Service Management and Service Studies

Muhammad Hadi

Muhammad Hadi

I am a Master's student and have been living in Sweden for the past two years as a permanent resident. My aim is to create a synergy between International and Swedish students which I think is lacking for the moment. As an immigrant and Swedish resident I believe I can represent most of the international and Swedish students in a unique way as I have experienced student life both in and outside Sweden.



Masters in Service Management

Department of Service Management and Service Studies

Sofia Zetterlund

Sofia Zetterlund

My name is Sofia Zetterlund. I'm studding my 5th semester in Equality and Diversity management. I’m also an active member in Helsingborg sektionen Agora as a student representative and former vice president of Agoras board. This gives me a great insight in what the students at Campus Helsingborg think about different matters that The RA will be making decisions about. One of the main reasons I've engaged in the social science union is that I want to make sure everyone’s voice gets heard. This is why you should elect me as a member of the representative assembly.



Equality and diversity mngm

Department of Sociology

Isobel Thompson

Isobel Thompson

Hi! I am Isobel and I am a 3rd year Geography student from the UK, and I am an exchange student in the Social Sciences faculty for the 2019/20 year! I am studying a range of courses from Sociology to Gender Studies to Political Science to Food Sustainability!
I would really like to get involved with Samhällsvetarkåren because I have felt so welcomed during the novice period with them and would love to give something back.
I think that as an exchange student I can bring a new perspective and be a valuable addition to the team. I would work hard to make sure the future of the Union is one that includes and reflects as many students as possible, both Swedish and international. I believe I am a fun and friendly person, and I will always be up for hearing your suggestions for the Union- perhaps over fika or beer or just if you see me about in Paradis!
I hope you will elect me as a voice for all Social Science students this semester and if you do I will work hard to make the student experience the best it can possibly be.
Tack så mycket!



BA (Hons) Geography (Exchange Student)

Department of Sociology

Juliana Senra

Juliana Senra

Hello! I'm Juliana, I come from Portugal and I'm doing my master in sociology of law, and I am so happy to be away from law (my bachelor) and finally in the social sciences, that feel like my natural habitat. I have a great interest in helping students' voices be heard, and believe that is the way for a better education and a healthier and happier stay in Lund for all of us. There is always room for improvement and constructive criticism and I hope to help communicate that. There is also always room for free fika and so that is my electoral promise!



Sociology of Law

Department of Sociology

Laetitia Tanqueray

Laetitia Tanqueray

Hi, I'm Laetitia, but everyone calls me Tish! I'm here doing my masters in Sociology of Law, which is pretty perfect for this role as I'll not only be able to empirically observe our great university, but I'll also be able to work out how to make adequate policies? Isn't that perfect? Even more perfect, the fact that I'm half-welsh, half-french, but I'm already a Fika addict.
But on a serious note, at my old University I was a student representative, so I would not only be making meetings fun, I'd also be able to bring in knowledge of good-practice from my old university! (yay!)
Thanks for taking time to read this and enjoy (and make full use of) your right to vote!



Sociology of Law

Department of Sociology

Petar Korac

Petar Korac

I think that active participation of students is necessary in order to secure effective outcome of educational process. Besides this I think that I have courage and knowledge to advocate for fulfillment of students needs and rights in front of the representatives of University and Faculty. My engagement in Representative Assembly will always be in line with values of social justice, freedom, solidarity, tolerance and unity of all students of Faculty. My special focus will be dedicated to raising the quality of studies and making better environment for students. I will try to do the best I can in order to assure that every problem that some student has reach the decision makers of the Faculty.



Master of Science program Development studies at Graduate school

Department of Strategic Communication

Karolina Boyoli

Karolina Boyoli

My name is Karolina Boyoli. I am 24 years old and I am originally from Stockholm. I have studied in Lund since the fall of 2016. I am currently doing my Master's in Strategic Communication.

I want our union to:
- Increase representation in the parts of the union where representation is weak.
- Become more attractive to members and especially new members so that more people become active.
- Keep creating bigger social events so that all union members have a chance to meet and socialize to create a greater union spirit.
- Be proud of our old traditions as well as creating new ones such as a ball and a novice period, and that these events have equality groups working towards inclusiveness so that all members feel that they are included and want to participate.

I see my educational background as an important part of my candidacy. I have the experience of studying a subject with a programme association (Political science and Peace and conflict studies with LUPEF as the programme association). As well as Media and communication that doesn't have a programme association or section and has weak representation in regards to student representatives. My previous experiences gives me the chance to experience different parts of the education that the student union represents. My current Master's studies (that is connected to a section) further allows me to bring more perspectives to the table.

During my time in Lund I have been an active member of both the programme association LUPEF and the Social Sciences Student Union. I have been the president of LUPEF. For the Social Sciences Student Union I have been a member of the previous three Representative Assemblies, been an active part of the study council at the department of Political science, been a student representative two times as well as head of communications for the unions mentorship programme. These experiences give me a solid base for another round in the Representative Assembly.



Msc in Strategic Communication

School of Social Work

Isabelle Andersson

Isabelle Andersson

I’ve been involved in section and union work pretty much my whole university life. Started out in socionomsektionen’s election committee my first semester in Lund and then took on the role of president of the section. I’ve been involved in the unions ball committee as well as part of the represenatative assembly before, most recently spring 2019. I believe that we should always take the opportunity to be part of decision making and being a part of the ra is a great way.



Master in social work

School of Social Work

Jespher Johansson

Jespher Johansson

Being on my 7th semester of the social work programme and on my second term as VicePresident in the social work section I feel an ever deeper engagement in the social work programme and social sciences union over all. Taking part in Representative Assembly would for me mean representing the voice of social work student in two cities, on two campuses, with one heart!




School of Social Work

Oskar Åhl

Oskar Åhl

As the president of Socionomsektionen it is my responsibility to look after the best interest of our section and our students. Being a member of the representative assembly gives me great influence to do so, as the RA is where the biggest decisions are made. As a representative I'd be open to suggestions on improvements that are made to me, and I'd see if's possible to make these changes to form a better social science student union.



Social work / Socionomprogrammet

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