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The election is open
March 4th - 8th

Lenny Orazulike

Department of Political Science

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As the highest decision making body the representative assembly has one of the most important roles within the student union. I have been a member of the RA for two consecutive semesters and enjoyed discussing the future of the student union, and making sure that social science students were well represented. I would love to continue representing the students and be able to participate and offer my insight for decision to come in this semester!

Nidhi Sharma

Department of Sociology of Law


As a first-year Master's student in Sociology of Law at Lund University, I am eager to represent the interests and well-being of my fellow social science students within the Representative Assembly. I am an active member in multiple committees across the union and as a student representative for my department board. Through collaboration, communication, and constructive action, with a focus on inclusivity, transparency, and accountability, I will work diligently to foster academic success, personal growth, and student empowerment. Together, let's strengthen and invigorate our social science community at Lund University!

Erik Sånemyr

Department of School of Social Work

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I am a second term student in Socionomprogrammet, but I’ve also studied other courses here in Lund which has given me a deep understanding and appreciation of the student life. I’m currently a chair member of Socionomsektionen and chairman of their sport committee. Both in Socionomsektionen and if chosen for the representative assembly my focus would be on building a large and healthy union where students feel included and actively want to take part in and contribute to all activities offered. My sight is on the long term and I would like to make changes and contributions that not only make the union better during my involvement but also for many years after I leave.

Tyra Broms

Department of Service Management

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HI! My name is Tyra Broms and I study service management retail at campus Helsingborg. Last year I was an RA delegate and I found it extremely fun and enlightening, that's why I'm running this year. I also want to follow up on decisions we made in the autumn RA. I hope to make a difference!

Emiline Méry

Department of Psychology

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Hello! My name is Emiline Méry and I am currently studying at the department of psychology. I am a student representative at the department board, chair person of the study council of psychology and a member of the election committee. I want to candidate for the Representative Assembly to contribute with a student perspective, specifically from the department of psychology since it is always preferable to approach issues from different angles.

Hannes Romare

Department of Political Science

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My name is Hannes Romare. I am studying my 4th semester at the peace and conflict science programme. I wish to candidate for the Representative Assembly because I believe that it is important that students from the peace and conflict programme are to be represented in this important organization. As a co-founder of the association for peace and conflict studies (FFK), I am equipped with the necessary tools and knowledge to engage within a student association. Therefore, I am aware of the needs and wants of the peace and conflict studies students.

Rodrigo Thurler Nacif

Department of Sociology

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Hi everyone! My name is Rodrigo, and I am from Brazil. During my time as a Bachelor's student, I organized efforts with other students to improve conditions for food, transportation, and accommodation. I was also a student representative at our Institute. Following my studies, I gained experience as a professional Anthropologist. Now, I'm a Master's Student, and I am excited to learn more about how Swedish and International Students organize at Lund University. I want to contribute with my previous experience to find ways to improve together to prepare ourselves as professionals and build solid CVs for our future challenges.

Anna Tingdahl

Department of School of Social Work

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I am passionate about political issues that promote equality and democratic conditions in the education sector. I want to be involved and influence and above all be involved and contribute to an inclusive decision-making body.

Bianca Mihai

Department of Sociology

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Hi! My name is Bianca and I would love to have the opportunity to work with different agendas that require student engagement and affect our study situation. I think that I would be a great match for this position, given the influence this role has. I can have a discussion that involves multiple points of view (as a major in Sociology) and I'm an overall open, curious and energetic person. I like engaging in discussions about how we can improve our study situation not only by taking into account things that directly impact us, such as study places and course literature lists, but also things that indirectly impact us as students. I come from a lower socioeconomic background and I know how things like inflation impact the student budget and how a lack of access to computers can affect some students' performance in certain courses, to mention some examples. Furthermore, I think that my experience as a study council chairperson has trained me to engage in discussions that reflect the wants and needs of the students and pass on the broader message to other people in other positions.

Roshanaq Usman Nasir

Department of Human Geography


Hi, I am studying in the BIDS programme here at KEG. Over the past year, I have served as the Education Chair at PLUTO, representing students' interests at the Department of Human Geography. As a delegate at the RA, I promise to continue to represent students’ voices and advocate decisions that will contribute to an exciting and successful operational year.

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